The clear winner of body shaping operations is undoubtedly Liposuction. Liposuction means “fat suction” in Latin. In this operation, no part of the skin is removed. Subcutaneous fat tissue is removed from the body by being absorbed through special absorbent cannulas. The result of this operation is immediately obvious. Sometimes there can be a significant difference between the patient’s pre- and post-operative appearance.
Liposuction operations are not operations to combat excess weight. It is not a weight loss operation. Liposuction does not weaken, it only shapes the body. Although there is weight loss in this surgery, there is an upper limit. This limit is determined by the Patient’s general health condition and Medical Rules based on Medical Studies. These rules are essential for “Patient Safety”. Fat tissue cannot be removed or absorbed from a body as much as desired. The point that people often overlook is that the tissue taken is not pure fat tissue like “Margarine” but is actually a part of the body. Along with the fat tissue taken, the body’s building blocks such as blood, tissue fluid, vitamins, minerals and proteins are also taken.
A doctor who is an expert in his field can most accurately determine the amount of fat tissue to be removed. If the right decision is made and implemented correctly, the results of Fat Removal operations are extremely satisfactory.
Fat removal operations can be performed using classical methods, as well as Ultrasonic, Vibrating, Laser, etc.
Fat removal – The first of the three most frequently asked questions about liposuction; Whether there will be re-fat in the area where fat was removed. There may be renewed fat in the area where fat was removed. However, it will not be as easy or as much as before. If it does, these fats cannot hold on to that area for long. It should not be forgotten that the body is a dynamic structure and if the person continues to eat high-calorie and gain weight after the operation, the body has the capacity to make fat cells from scratch.
The second most common question is; Whether there will be any irregularity in the area where fat is removed. It is difficult to give a clear answer to this question. While some places are very suitable for Oil Removal, some areas cause problems. The areas that need attention are areas with loose skin such as the lower abdomen, legs-thighs and inner arms. There may be certain irregularities here. There are Liposuction devices specially produced for these places. After the operation, it may be necessary to support it with methods such as Lymph Drainage, Cavitation and Radiofrequency.
Third Question; Whether there will be sagging or not. If the person’s skin structure is tight and the elastic fibers of the skin are high, the skin will recover without the need for any auxiliary operations or tools. If there is not sufficient skin tightness, skin tightening may be required with operations such as abdominoplasty or auxiliary devices such as Laser, Vaser, etc. Tightening methods are not miracles, and stretching surgeries are always an option for those with loose skin.
Fat removal operations can also be performed together with methods such as abdominoplasty, fat transfer to the butt or legs (fat injection). By injecting the fat taken from around the waist into the buttock, the person gets rid of excess fat, and the fat that would be wasted is used to plump the butt, providing a dual benefit.
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